Kamis, 26 April 2012

kepariwisataan 5 ( gunung gede )

Gunung Gede only one word I can say is "wow", because this is the first time I visited a very beautiful place, this place is called "mountain" but this unique mountain I can enjoy without much fatigue you will see beautiful views without having reached a highest. Gunung Gede are very beautiful clean air is much different from the air in Jakarta, so special about this place is very beautiful scenery you can a place very large and it's the first time I saw a very big. a place stone is perfect for those of you who need the fresh air and for the purposes of the photo. gunung gede ,sukabumi

kepawisataan 4 ( trans tv )

a lot of very good lessons to learn about the world of film one family television station which is very good for you to visit not only the world of television, but also you can directly visit there. see how the course of a shooting and also learn to be a good chrew it could be you in a trance dapatin a television because they are very well want to accept us as visitors.transtivi, Jakarta Selatan.

kepariwisataan 3 ( celebration plaza )

CELEBRATION PLAZA Taman yang satu ini memang sangat cantik dengan banyaknya tumbuhan dan pemandangan danau di depannya bisa membuat anda dan keluarga anda pasti menyukainnya. Banyak penjual dan wisatawan yang selalu berbondong bondong mengunjungi tempat ini di hari weekend. Tepat di belakang taman plaza terdapat kolam berenang yang tidak kalah bagusnya dengan atlantis. Walaupun ,kolam berenang itu tidak lebih besar dari atlantis tapi bisa disebut kolam berenang itu seminya dari atlantis ,karena permainan yang di sediakan disana juga cukup banyak dan beranekaragam. Celebration plaza mutiara gading ,bekasi timur.

kepariwisataan 2 ( grandwisata )

GRAND WISATA Taman yang baru di buat 5 tahun ini memang tidak biasa karena tumbuh – tumbuhannya yang sangat hijau membuat nyaman bagi anda untuk berkemping bersama keluarga anda di hari weekend. Udaranya yang sagat sejuk dan pemandangannya yang sangat menarik itu bisa membuat fikiran anda sangat relax. Setiap harinya taman ini selalu bersih karena lebih dari 500 orang pembersih taman di pekerjakan disana. Taman yang tempatnya berada di tengah jalan tol akses bekasi dan bandung ini membuat banyak orang bandung memilih taman Grand Wisata itu menjadi tempat bersantai bersama keluarga mereka dengan bermain – main dan membawa makanan anda bisa having fun di taman Grand Wisata. Grand Wisata ,kota Bekasi.

perjalanan calon gubernur DKI Jakarta 5 (tugas jurnal )

Jelang pemilihan umum kepala daerah DKI Jakarta, berbagai pihak memiliki kriteria gubernur idamannya. Begitu pula dengan para pengusaha yang tergabung dalam Himpunan Pengusaha Pribumi Indonesia (HIPPI) DKI Jakarta. salah satu koment yang saya baca dari statement di web itu ada karyawan kompas yang berkomentar "diplomasinya to the point saja, pengusaha mau Gubernur yang pro-revenue -untung-. Pilih HNW! ga bakalan ada potongan komisi tuh tender2. Pengusaha akan untung sangat besar tanpa korupsi, apalagi kalau mau menyumbangkan sebagian keuntungannya untuk fasilitas rakyat. Pengusaha kita lebih punya nurani, utamanya mrk yg dulunya miskin, kaya dahlan..." Naqs Shebandi

perjalanan calon Gubernur DKI Jakarta 4 ( tugas jurnalistik)

"Hari ini kami luncurkan Batik Beresin Jakarta di Thamrin City," kata Dedi Supriyadi dari Tim Sukses Hidayat-Didik saat dihubungi wartawan di Jakarta, Kamis (26/4/2012). informasi di atas yang saya temui itu banyak sekali menuai koment yang salah satunya adalah pendukung dari NKRi "Jadi ketua dpr ga ada gebrakan; jadi anggota dpr juga biasa2 aja, dah gitu pendukungnya pake ngatain walikota ngga nyelesaiin amanat, padahal dia juga sama aja; eh sekarang jadi plagiat..... gapapa kok, karena orang tau mana yg orisinil dan mana yang sudah teruji gebrakannya" katanya.

perjalanan calon Gubernur DKI Jakarta 3 ( tugas jurnalistik)

Hari ini, Kamis (26/4/2012), sekitar 8.000 relawan memadati arena Istora Senayan, Jakarta. Alex menargetkan hingga sebelum massa kampanye dilakukan, tim relawan yang akan bekerja menjaring dukungan bisa mencapai 28.000 orang. "Ini sudah acara yang kesekian kalinya. Hanya kali ini jumlahnya lebih besar. Tapi intinya sama dengan rumah 'Tiga Tahun Bisa' (posko pemenangan Alex-Nono). Totalnya nanti ditargetkan 28.000," ungkap Alex, Kamis, usai acara pelatihan di Senayan. Alex menuturkan, saat ini jumlah relawan mencapai 21.000 orang yang tersebar di berbagai wilayah di Jakarta hingga tingkat ke RT/RW. Satu orang ditargetkan mendapat 100 orang pendukung. "Jadi ini terus dilakukan, terus bertambah. Nanti target akhirnnya akan mencapai 2,5 juta pemilih," ujar Alex. koment yang tertulis di website beliau " Sah-sah saja Alex-No mgunakn Relawan, krn itu bagian dr Kampanye. Unt Relawan silahkn ambil uang operasional namun saat pemilihn gunakan hati nurani memilih yg pantas. Ini kampanye terselubung dr saya: "Saatnya kita permalukan parpol. Berjuang yg jujur, memimpin dengan benar. Boleh berjanji, ingkar jangan" Muhammad Ashraf (karyawan kompas)

perjalanan calon Gubernur DKI Jakarta 2 ( tugas jurnalistik )

"Hidayat Tinjau Transportasi Kereta" acara tersebut tujuannya adalah sebuah kampaye yang di buat Hidayat di sepanjang jalan pembelian tiket trans jakarta ,yang langsung di kometari oleh Ruhut sitompul ,bang ruhut dengan logat bataknya yang kental beliau berkata seperti ini "saya sangat mengerti sekali itu maksud dari hidayat itu ,terkadang memang setipa calon hanya mencari muka saat kampaye ntapi setelah kepilih batang hidungnya pun tak ada".

perjalanan calon Gubernur DKI jakarta 1 (tugas jurnalistik)

Dalam verifikasi tahap dua yang akan berlangsung hingga 7 Mei 2012 mendatang, pasangan tersebut kekurangan dukungan sebanyak 190.456 dari 407.340 dukungan minimal. Untuk mengawal proses tersebut, Reinhard mengungkapkan, pihaknya melakukan sejumlah cara untuk meminimalisasi berkurangnya dukungan saat petugas PPS melakukan verifikasi di tingkatan masyarakat. "Kami menerjunkan tim di beberapa wilayah, tiap pelatihan minimal dua kali, tiap hadir 70 orang, bahkan lebih dari 110, total seluruhnya 700 lebih. Bagaimana cara mereka berkomunikasi dengan PPS. Ada juga 200 poskom untuk memandu tim PPS yang bekerja nanti, jangan sampai kami dirugikan lagi dalam verifikasi kedua," katanya yang saya simak dari wawancara Topik Malam tvOne yang selanjutnya setelah jedah iklan kerabat beliau berkata "Harus dibagi shift PPS-nya, harus dibagi waktunya dari pagi sampai sore dan sore sampe malam supaya terdata semua. Karena kan mobilitas warga Jakarta sangat tinggi. Kalau kami sih sampai pagi pun siap," kata Kerabat beliau yang ikut menyaksikan acara tersebut di studio.

Kamis, 12 April 2012


Many people believe that translation is an easy thing and all you have to do is to change words from the source text into the equivalent words of a target text. However, this is not true since some phrases, if translated literaly, would make no sense. Translation is a very complicated process which has to consider many factors - the genre and the style of the original text, the translator's competence, the timeline allocated to the project and many more. There is a great number of useful translation tips available online and offline, yet every translator has their own reliable methods and techniques, built on expertise and time. Here, we summarized the most essential translation tips that can come in handy both for the oral translation and the written translation.

Oral Translation Tips

Interpreting - simultaneous, consecutive and whispering - is considered to be the most difficult type of translation. To achieve great results in this domain, an interpreter is expected to (a) have a high level of competence in different areas, (b) understand and critically analyse the translated information, (c) know how to highlight the key elements in the text, (d) constantly enrich their professional vocabulary, etc. The personal features of an interpreter - such as a quick reaction, clear articulation, and bright mind - are also of great importance.

The most essential interpretation tips are as follows:

In advance familiarize yourself with the topic of the speech
Note down main points of the speech - it'll help you when interpreting
Translate and clarify the meaning of special terms and key words prior to interpreting
Establish friendly relations between you and the speaker at a consecutive translation
Remember to pronounce words distinctly and clearly
Produce a brief summary at the end of the speech - it helps to clarify conclusions
React quickly and be ready to work under pressure
Enjoy what you are doing ..:-) there won't be a second chance
Transmit a clear message to the target audience

Written Translation Tips

Written translation is completely different from any other type of translation. As a rule, there is no need to react instantly - you can take your time, think, choose a better variant, use a dictionary, consult a specialist, etc. Like any other translation it should convey the meaning and the music of the source language. Also, you need to be very accurate with the language and give proper weigh to stylistic features.

The most important translation tips are as follows:

Translate meaning not words!
Rely on your wits and savvy - it can prove to be helpful when translating a difficult text
Ask a specialist or a native speaker to proofread your translation so that it sounds natural
Never accept a project which you know is not within your abilities
Skills and translation expertise come with time - remember it!
Language nuances do matter when making a professional translation
A good translation is worth taking time for!
The way documents are organized in one country may not be understood in another
Emulate the original style of the author, be it humorous, wordy, with colloquial or scientific language, etc.

courtesy of http://www.all-translations.com/translation-tips.html

there are great recommend :
1. oral translation tips
a. choose the high level text want to you tranlite b.read and understand what the meaning that text analyse c.find the key elements in the text d.meet their professional vocabulary people

2. The most essential interpretation tips are as follows:
Remember to pronounce words carefully

3. Written Translation Tips
write the translite must be careful ,choose your word by self or how you talk (nature) actually which you understand and use the good dictionary

4. show your skill from deep from your self. ask someone profesional if the text very difficult.


We come across translations every day and we are sometimes faced with the need to translate something. In those moments, we fear that we are not going to be made ourselves understood because we lack training in translating or interpretation. Nevertheless, there are some tips that could help you make a nice, reader-friendly translation when you need it.

First and foremost, remember this: KISS. KISS is the acronym for Keep It Short And Simple. If you don't need to translate a literary text, where translating is a little bit more difficult, then this is the acronym that you should keep in mind. What I mean is that you can transform very long sentences into more simple ones. In some languages, talking and writing using long sentences is a custom. In others, it is not. If your language uses more short sentences, then divide the sentences you need to translate into shorter ones. You need to make your translation be as natural as possible, so use your language properly.

Be aware of false friends. No matter how much you think you know about the language you are translating, take a look in the dictionary every now and then. Do not take it for granted that if a word resembles your own language then it has a similar meaning.

Look for words in more dictionaries. Do not rely on just one dictionary when translating. If you see that the meaning of a word does not fit the context, then look in other dictionaries and always have at hand an one language dictionary.

If you cannot find the word in any dictionary, then you can use the internet and search for the word. But do not try to find it in the translated form. Use "define: word" to look for definitions of the word in the language or try to find the word in other documents. Usually definitions of words or phrases or techniques can shed more light on the meaning of the word you are looking for.

Look for pictures of the word. Sometimes, when I could not find words in any dictionaries, I tried to find a picture of the word. Of course that there were more images of the word than I would have imagined, but then I had a more clear image of what the word means. I usually do it for plants and animals, which are not always translated in different types of dictionaries used.

And of course, do not forget to use the kind of language the text needs you to use. Try to use slang when slang is used and technical language when you translate technical texts.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Theo_Grigore



as i as know one very important aspect of translations is the choice of terminology. For this it is highly advisable to get yourself a good computer translation dictionary. When I first started translating I had an impressive library of translation dictionaries, but once I finally migrated to a computer dictionary, I marveled at the amount of time I used to spend leafing through endless pages looking up words. Not to mention that I often had to look for the same word seven times over before it sunk into my head. And not to mention that I'd often have to leaf through several dictionaries before finding the term I was happy with. The advantage of a computer based translation dictionary is that you can add terms to it. So if you do have a fancy library of dictionaries and occasionally need to refer to it, it is no problem to add your research to custom develop your dictionary. A single dictionary you can refer to, which instantly accesses your term for you by simply typing in (or copying) the word and pressing ENTER. MUCH faster. I have to admit that, when previously referring to my paper dictionaries only, I'd often rather guess than waste another minute leafing through endless pages, so you can expect your quality to improve as well.
Custom developing your dictionary also applies to any research you might perform on the internet. There are a lot of online dictionaries to be found, and we have added a lot of them (and hope to continue with this endeavor) to our translation resources pages.
When using your computer dictionary, you obviously want to develop proficiency in the old ALT TAB, which allows you to switch quickly between different software open on your computer. Or if you are translating from a source file on your computer (such as a .pdf file as opposed to from a printed document), you may already have two programs running for your translation needs, in which case using ALT TAB for a third program could get annoying and complicated. In this case I press Escape to minimise the dictionary after use, and the mouse to summon it back.

But even with your library of paper dictionaries, robust and customised computer dictionaries, and the world of on-line dictionaries, you may still run into times when you simply do not find a clear term. In such cases, or when I am trying to decide between several possible terms, you might try searching the term on google. The term with the most results (number of pages out there containing the word) would probably be a better choice, as it is obviously being used more frequently.
Or for very specific terminology, you might try surfing for the source term, in case one of the pages mentions the translation (useful when translating into English).

courtesy of http://001yourtranslationservice.com/translating/translation-tips/translation-tips.html