Sabtu, 01 Desember 2012

blog people assigment 2

Posted by Dan Ernst
Civil Rights in the American Story, a conference at the University of Alabama School of Law, will be held Friday, March 8, 2013.  The principal speakers are David W. Blight, Mark Brilliant, Richard Thompson Ford, and Susan Sturm:
American uncertainties and ambivalence about race go at least as far back as Tocqueville’s pained observations about the three races in America and their sad inability to live together as equals. In the intervening two centuries those uncertainties have not been resolved by civil war, legal prescription, mass protest, or inspiring leadership. Today, racial conflict between blacks and whites, and conflict about race is as vexing as it has ever been. Race, as Gunner Myrdal reminded us, is the “American Dilemma.”

Uncertainty is particularly acute in the legal domain where, over the last four decades, courts and judges have struggled to come to terms with the meaning of the Constitution’s guarantee of equal protection of the law. In that period the record of judicial interpretation and understanding of racial equality has taken the form of a back and forth movement in which first desegregation, then integration with its accompanying need for busing and affirmative action, and now “color blindness” have been the prevailing ideologies.

In both law and society the meaning of civil rights is hotly debated. At the same time, Americans take great pride in the progress made in opening up opportunities cross racial lines. The purpose of this symposium is to inquire about the place of civil rights in America’s post-Brown v. Board of Education story. How important has the story of civil rights “progress” been in the last half century? What have been the most important counter-narratives? What issues, e.g. affirmative action, immigration, have posed the greatest challenges to America’s embrace of the narrative of progress in civil rights?

comment :

I found this blog to complete the assignment from my professor, but after I read this very interesting and certainly gives us knowledge as foreigners who are eager to know about the state of this American state. interesting in this blog is because I personally think we could be interested in reading this blog because we can only read one article alone but more than one. This blog gets a lot of lessons we can advance the state of American history course open this and try to understand!

INTERAKSI BUDAYA softskill tugas 3

1.      Through the development of american history, some concepts have dominated the american people’s view. how many concepts are they? And mention it!

During the 1960s, American cultural influences rapidly filtered into Australia - primarily via music, radio ,and cinema. There are a number of historical reasons for this.
America emerged from World War II as the dominant global economic power and was well-placed to export its cultural products to the world, including Australia.
At the same time, Australians in the 1960s were well-placed to receive American cultural influences. People were more affluent than ever before and communications and transport technology was advancing rapidly, enabling an easier transmission of American products and ideas into Australian society. American concepts like consumerism and material aspirations also fitted well with Australia's new pleasure-seeking suburban ideals.

Music and radio
Commercial radio play lists were dominated by mostly imported American and British music throughout the 1960s, quenching the teenage thirst for rock 'n' roll.
The public's taste was changing, though and 1950s rock 'n' roll stars like Elvis Presley made way for the 'British Invasion'. Teenagers were infatuated with British acts like The Beatles, The Rolling Stones and The Kinks and adopted the wild fashions and hairstyles of their idols.
Reasons for American domination at the cinema
American films dominated Australian cinemas during the 1950s and 1960s for a number of reasons.
Firstly, American film-making technology was the most advanced in the world, making it possible for them to produce many more high-quality films at a faster rate than their competitors. Local production companies could not compete with the dazzling technicolour and bright, big-budget promotional campaigns of American film companies.
Secondly, the abundant budgets and superior technological resources attracted the best actors, writers and directors to America. In many cases, this meant that the American creative output was of a higher standard than that of other countries.

2.      What do you know about pluralistic society ?
         This is any society in which citizens can legally and publicly hold multiple competing ethical views and are allowed to choose for themselves what ethical beliefs if any they wish to hold. It is often mistaken for a society which tolerates different ethical beliefs or groups of people and holds that all are equal, which is correctly identified as moral relativism, a logically invalid position held by mush of the world today.


Kamis, 01 November 2012

tugas miss mila ( interaksi budaya )

· Kerjasama :
Suatu usaha bersama antara orang perorangan atau kelompok untuk mencapai tujuan bersama.
Contoh : samsung galaxy tab yang mana samsung bekerjasama dengan android untuk membuat handphone canggih berbentuk tab.

·         Asimilasi :
A – B = AB
Contoh : Ayah menikah dengan ibu mempunyai anak. Anak adalah hak ayah dan ibu.

·         Akulturasi :
A + B = A
Contoh : system ( english ) – sistem ( indonesia )

·         Kontak sosial :
Hubungan pihak pertama dengan pihak kedua tanpa saling bersentuhan.
Contoh : rambu – rambu lalu lintas.

·         Komunikasi non verbal :
Contoh: musik yang menyampaikan pesan tanpa bersentuhan.

Rabu, 31 Oktober 2012

softskill ( comment blog's people ) ethnocentrisms in indonesian

Etnosentrisme didefinisikan sebagai kepercayaan pada superioritas inheren kelompok atau budayanya sendiri; etnosentrisme mungkin disertai rasa jijik pada orang-orang lain yang tidak sekelompok; etnosentrisme cenderung memandang rendah orang-orang lain yang tidak sekelompok dan dianggap asing; etnosentrisme memandang dan mengukur budaya-budaya asing dengan budayanya sendiri. (Mulyana:2000;70) Jelas sekali bahwa dengan kita bersikap etnosentrisme kita tidak dapat memandang perbedaan budaya itu sebagai keunikan dari masing-masing budaya yang patut kita hargai. Dengan memandang budaya kita sendiri lebih unggul dan budaya lainnya yang asing sebagai budaya ’yang salah’, maka komunikasi lintas budaya yang efektif hanyalah angan-angan karena kita akan cenderung lebih mebatasi komunikasi yang kita lakukan dan sebisa mungkin tidak terlibat dengan budaya asing yang berbeda atau bertentangan dengan budaya kita. Masing-masing budaya akan saling merendahkan yang lain dan membenarkan budaya diri sendiri, saling menolak, sehingga sangat potensial muncul konflik di antaranya. Contoh konflik yang sudah terjadi misalnya suku dayak dan suku madura yang sejak dulu terus terjadi. Kedua suku pedalaman itu masing-masing tidak mau saling menerima dan menghormati kebudayaan satu sama lain. Adanya anggapan bahwa budaya sendiri lah yang paling benar sementra yang lainnya salah dan tidak bermutu tidak hanya berwujud konfik namun sudah berbentuk pertikaian yang mengganas, keduanya sudah saling mmbunuh atar anggota budaya yang lain. Contoh lainnya, orang Indonesia cenderung menilai budaya barat sebagai budaya yang ’vulgar’ dan tidak tahu sopan santun. Budaya asli-budaya timur dinilai sebagai budaya yang paling unggul dan paling baik sehingga masyrakat kita cenderung membatasi pergaulan dengan orang barat. Orang takut jika terlalu banyak komunikasinya maka budaya asli akan tercemar budaya barat sebagai polusi pencemar.


 COMMENT ( luciatriedyana blog's )
         This is one article that made me understand about ethnocentrism in my own country Indonesia. , With credit Mulyana: 2000; 70 at the beginning of an explanation before the author provides concrete examples in Indonesia that makes readers including me to be sure it means the author did not give a false news or "fabricated". then the author gives an example of the Dayak and Madurese are not mutually respect each other and the tribe was an example of a very easy to understand.

softskill ( comment blog's people ) ethnocentism in American societies

“Ethnocentrism” by Samuel Ramos 

This is a very simple phenomenon with serious and complex implications to society. To put is even more simple term, Ethnocentrism is a type of prejudice that puts one ethnicity above all the other ones around. Sadly, throughout history it is common to notice these behaviors, and more recently with the nazis and European general perception on their superiority against black people. After the entire nazi war accounts, the most despicable account I’ve read and really felt bad about it is found in the “Black like Me”book by John H. Griffin. Perhaps this is because in Brazil, where I grew up, we never had such segregation and humiliation recorded against black people in late history. To really know what kinds of circumstances black people at times lived in, the author decided to take anti-vitiligo oral drugs to darken his skin and to live among black people in southern United States in 1959. The report is astonishing. The bathrooms blacks could use were functional at all, not to say filthy and desease-friendly. Repression was of the charts. They could stand up for their rights cause that would cause everyone to be against them. They weren’t able to sit where they wanted in the bus, they could not speak to white people in some circumstances. Griffin, when given a ride by a white man, was severely humiliated by this man, who downgraded his intelligence just for the fact he was black, although the white man was wrong. These are but a few examples of oppression in those days. In sum, it didn’t matter who you were or how nice you would act. You are black, therefore you are low, bad and stupid. How people get to that point? Environment, social learning, role models and parenting. Tests were already done to see the difference between black and white people, and off course no differences exist. I’m glad this conflict black and white people has improved significantly. Now the next step is for all of us learn to better distinguish arabs, iraqis and people from those areas and learn to separate between their beliefs, affiliations and nationality. I’m not saying we all think that way, but there are several citizens who openly discriminate the population from these countries without knowing much about them.


 I think Samuel Ramos Blog’s this is very interesting because the writers like to speak up which do not agree that it should not be any difference in the view of one eye, because "we" as people who have God even though it is different but we humans are "equal" which God had never set us apart but our faith in God. white or black it is only a difference of skin color does not mean it should be a difference in excess.

softskill (culture)

1. What do you know about culture and counterculture ?

         Culture is a way of life that developed and owned jointly by a group of people and passed from generation to generasi.budaya, is part and parcel of human dignity that many people tend to think of inherited genetically. When someone is trying to communicate with people of different cultures and adjust differences, proving that culture is studied.
 The following are elements of culture:
1. language
2. religion
 3. technology
 4. economy
5. social organization
6. art
7. Science

        A counterculture is a subculture whose values and norms of behavior deviate from those of mainstream society, often in opposition to mainstream cultural mores. deviant behavior in which many people find this behavior in a variety of places they visit. some people consider it taboo to some people but again maybe this is normal. aberrant behaviors such as same-sex lover or have a "relationship" between men and more men and women with women anymore. Such behavior may be a lot we meet but in our country Indonesia is still very taboo, unlike Americans who have permits "same-sex relationships".

 2. Do pluralistic societies influence the culture ?

       India is one of the countries that once colonized by the Irish state. which as we know that India is famous for their dances were well turned out it was the influence of the Irish that their influence over the Irish colonized India.

3. What are the differences between ethnocentrisms and assimilation ?

         Ethnocentric is the tendency to see the world through their own cultural filters. The term is often viewed negatively, which is defined as the inability to see others in a way outside of your own cultural background. A related definition of ethnocentrism has a tendency to judge people from the group, community, or other lifestyle according to the standards of a group or culture itself, often see other groups as inferior (lower) (Healey, 1998; Noel, 1968).
         Assimilation is the blending of two cultures which are accompanied by characteristic loss of indigenous culture to form a new culture. The process of assimilation was marked by the development of the same attitudes which, while sometimes emotional, aiming to achieve unity, or at least to achieve integration in the organization and action.

so, can I conclude from differences ethnocentrism and assimilation is ethnocentrism not affected by the new culture because according to their culture that their culture is the top or the best so ,according to that culture or no culture better person than them. different cultural assimilation or if there are moving people or their culture will be affected but still does not eliminate their culture.

Kamis, 26 April 2012

kepariwisataan 5 ( gunung gede )

Gunung Gede only one word I can say is "wow", because this is the first time I visited a very beautiful place, this place is called "mountain" but this unique mountain I can enjoy without much fatigue you will see beautiful views without having reached a highest. Gunung Gede are very beautiful clean air is much different from the air in Jakarta, so special about this place is very beautiful scenery you can a place very large and it's the first time I saw a very big. a place stone is perfect for those of you who need the fresh air and for the purposes of the photo. gunung gede ,sukabumi

kepawisataan 4 ( trans tv )

a lot of very good lessons to learn about the world of film one family television station which is very good for you to visit not only the world of television, but also you can directly visit there. see how the course of a shooting and also learn to be a good chrew it could be you in a trance dapatin a television because they are very well want to accept us as visitors.transtivi, Jakarta Selatan.

kepariwisataan 3 ( celebration plaza )

CELEBRATION PLAZA Taman yang satu ini memang sangat cantik dengan banyaknya tumbuhan dan pemandangan danau di depannya bisa membuat anda dan keluarga anda pasti menyukainnya. Banyak penjual dan wisatawan yang selalu berbondong bondong mengunjungi tempat ini di hari weekend. Tepat di belakang taman plaza terdapat kolam berenang yang tidak kalah bagusnya dengan atlantis. Walaupun ,kolam berenang itu tidak lebih besar dari atlantis tapi bisa disebut kolam berenang itu seminya dari atlantis ,karena permainan yang di sediakan disana juga cukup banyak dan beranekaragam. Celebration plaza mutiara gading ,bekasi timur.

kepariwisataan 2 ( grandwisata )

GRAND WISATA Taman yang baru di buat 5 tahun ini memang tidak biasa karena tumbuh – tumbuhannya yang sangat hijau membuat nyaman bagi anda untuk berkemping bersama keluarga anda di hari weekend. Udaranya yang sagat sejuk dan pemandangannya yang sangat menarik itu bisa membuat fikiran anda sangat relax. Setiap harinya taman ini selalu bersih karena lebih dari 500 orang pembersih taman di pekerjakan disana. Taman yang tempatnya berada di tengah jalan tol akses bekasi dan bandung ini membuat banyak orang bandung memilih taman Grand Wisata itu menjadi tempat bersantai bersama keluarga mereka dengan bermain – main dan membawa makanan anda bisa having fun di taman Grand Wisata. Grand Wisata ,kota Bekasi.